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Yes, you can sit in a chair and learn something

Posted: October 18th, 2009 | Author: | Filed under: Events | No Comments »

Facinated by personasOur most recent meeting featured an informative presentation from Bob Barlow-Busch on personas, and there was some great discussion amongst the attendees on the nuances of their value. As you can see, there was a good turnout on hand at Primal Fusion (location of this month’s event).

Video of Scott Berkun's February 2009 talk in Waterloo

Posted: August 24th, 2009 | Author: | Filed under: Events | Tags: , , , , , , , , , | No Comments »

Last February Scott Berkun was in Waterloo and gave an entertaining talk to a full house of designers, developers, and anyone else interested in hearing about Scott’s experiences. The result was a talk in which the audience engaged in a wide-ranging discussion with the speaker. UX Group stalwart Henry Chen has uploaded a video of the event. Enjoy! (Sorry about the lack of embedding. Couldn’t seem to make it work!)


What's the state of UX in Waterloo Region today?

Posted: May 18th, 2009 | Author: | Filed under: Events | Tags: , | No Comments »

Is it in its infancy? Is it maturing into a well-practiced and well-respected discipline? Is it all grown up? Is it all these things at once? Where is it going?

Come on out and talk with fellow UXers about your take on the state of UX in Waterloo Region. Bring some stories that shine light on your experience and that can help others better understand where UX stands.

This month we’ll be meeting on Thursday May 21 from 5:30pm–7:00pm in the comfortable upstairs lounge at Whole Lotta Gelata in Uptown Waterloo (120 King St S, Waterloo).

If you’re hoping to join us, please send an RSVP to Wanda Eby at Communitech, so we know how many couches and chairs to commandeer.

Hope to see you there!

UX Flicks Mix

Posted: April 23rd, 2009 | Author: | Filed under: Events, Resources | No Comments »
UX Movie Night, from the back of the room

UX Movie Night, from the back of the room

The UX movie night was a blast. We had popcorn, peanuts, and soft drinks, just like at a real movie theatre (thanks Wanda and Communitech!). The movies were all found online and provided laughs, insights, and even nostalgia. This lists below are almost certainly out of order, but provide a record of our evening of enlightenment.

Here are the videos that we watched:

And here’s a bonus list of movies that we didn’t get to: